Surrey's Ethan David, 12, with his gold medal and trophy.

Surrey's Ethan David, 12, with his gold medal and trophy.

Young Surrey singer rocks the world

Ethan David brings home gold from the World Championships of Performing Arts in California.

A twelve-year-old singer from Surrey has been awarded the 2015 Junior Vocalist of the World at the 19th-annual World Championship of Performing Arts competition held July 10-19 in Long Beach, California.

Ethan David, took the top prize over about 200 singers in his age group from across the globe.

At first his parents told him the cost for him to compete was too expensive, but the young boy was not deterred.

For the last six months, David sold chocolates door to door along with collecting bottles and performing fundraising concerts in order to raise the nearly $8,000 needed to travel to the competition with his parents as part of 13-member Canadian team.

“Down to finals, they only picked five (competitors) so I really got nervous there ’cause I never thought I would get to the finals,” he said  “to all of you who feel that your dreams are not possible, think again.”

David is set to perform in the Philippines next month and is working with a U.S.-based music producer.

For more information on the competition and the winners visit








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