Hip hop artist Moka Only performs in Sooke on Aug. 21.Moka

Hip hop artist Moka Only performs in Sooke on Aug. 21.Moka

Youth show and concert coming up at the Prestige

Hip Hop artists Moka Only to perform for youth and adults

With schools slowly ramping up their game before the new academic year in September, youth are looking to make the most out of their time off before both the sunshine — and free time — take off until next year.

Luckily, they won’t have to travel out of town for some fun; not too often anyways, thanks to an upcoming music concert at the Prestige hotel ball room on Friday, Aug. 21, featuring local artist Moka Only.

The event opens to all ages at 5 p.m. and runs until 7:30 p.m. when it switches over to 19-plus. The second parter of the event runs until 11 p.m. Several DJ’s, as well as other musicians will be taking part in the show.

Behind the event’s curtains are its two- man organizers, Ken Davies and Guy Woods, who recently launched their own business initiative in Sooke known as 642 Entertainment.

“We’re trying to do this for the youth in the community because there’s no venue or anything for them to check out here,” Davies said, hoping that this gives something for all the local youth to enjoy.

This is the first time in 18 years Moka Only has had a show in Sooke, with the last time being at the Sooke arena in order to raise money for the now-known Sooke Skate Park.

Davies and Woods both grew up and lived in Sooke for most of their lives, so they value the importance of youth having something to do and somewhere to go to.

“We know how it is to be a kid out here and have nothing to do,” he said. “That was 20 years ago, it was way worse then. That’s when we had only one street light.”

The duo hope the event takes off and launches a series of shows for youth to enjoy right here in town. Next time, they’ll try to get some comedians and have more activities, possibly even at an outside venue, or even the EMCS theatre.

Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at the Prestige, Shoppers Drug Mart, This ‘N That and Mai Mai’s Bistro.



Sooke News Mirror