Jeff Innes (left), front man for Yukon Blonde and Graham Jones, drummer, at the Flying Steamshovel on Wednesday, Feb. 10.

Jeff Innes (left), front man for Yukon Blonde and Graham Jones, drummer, at the Flying Steamshovel on Wednesday, Feb. 10.

Yukon Blonde packs the Flying Steamshovel in Rossland

There was a packed house for Yukon Blonde at the Flying Steamshovel on Wednesday, Feb. 10.

There was a packed house for Yukon Blonde at the Flying Steamshovel on Wednesday, Feb. 10.

The Vancouver-based band stopped in Rossland on their cross-Canada tour of On Blonde, a record they released in June of last year.

Yukon Blonde last played a show in Rossland shortly after that, on their way to a music festival in July.

“We didn’t want to fly to the festival so we decided to drive, and then we were like, ‘Well, there’s a bunch of towns in BC that we haven’t played in a long time or that we haven’t played before, and like people have been trying to get us to play there,’ so we were like, ‘Why not give it a shot?’” explained Jeff Innes, lead singer. “Rossland came up and we were like, ‘Where’s Rossland?’ We didn’t even really know where it was, and then we were like, ‘Yeah, sure let’s go play there,’ and we came and played and we had like the best time.”

When there turned out to be gap in their tour schedule between Victoria and Calgary, the band decided they wanted to come back to Rossland.

Rosslanders were happy to see the band again, flooding the dance floor and busting out their best dance moves.

“It was amazing; it was great; it was wonderful,” said Innes.

He hopes Yukon Blonde will be back in Rossland again some day.

“I love it here. I actually want to spend some time out here,” said Innes. “I actually just found my perfect out of the city vibe; I moved to one of the Gulf Islands, which is really nice, but I feel like I need to complete it by — like when I’m done with the Gulf Islands — I need to go to a mountain … town. I really like the people here.”


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