Sandra Maley, Devon Jones, Kasper, Jenna, and Kiel Mason, Caralea Taylor, and Lauren Barras. Jones was presented with the Vital Link Award on Oct. 4. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

Sandra Maley, Devon Jones, Kasper, Jenna, and Kiel Mason, Caralea Taylor, and Lauren Barras. Jones was presented with the Vital Link Award on Oct. 4. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

Revelstoke residents receive awards for performing life-saving CPR on baby

Devon Jones and Kirsten Miola were awarded Vital Link Awards for their actions on April 13, 2022

Two Revelstoke residents received recognition from the BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) for helping to save the life of an infant earlier this year.

Devon Jones and Kirsten Miola have been awarded Vital Link Awards for their life-saving efforts through quick response and CPR, saving the life of young Kasper Mason.

Devon Jones, Kasper Mason, and Jenna Mason. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

Devon Jones, Kasper Mason, and Jenna Mason. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

On April 13, Jenna Mason and her infant son Kasper were on a walk in Revelstoke when she noticed the young boy had gone from being fussy to quiet. Kasper had stopped breathing and was in immediate need of medical assistance.

Two women heard Mason crying for help, one of which, Kirsten Miola, called 911. Devon Jones, who was working on a site nearby at the time, rushed onto the scene to help.

Jones placed the baby on the ground and began CPR until paramedics arrived and transported the baby to hospital.

The actions of Jones and Miola, as well as first responders Caralea Taylor, Lauren Barras, and the Revelstoke Fire Department, helped save the young boy’s life on that spring day.

The award was presented to Jones on Oct. 4, in front of the Mason family, his family, and the Revelstoke Ambulance Service by Sandra Maley, an honour guard representing BCEHS.

The Vital Link Award is presented to citizens in the province whose actions have made a difference during medical emergencies.

Sandra Maley, Caralea Taylor, and Lauren Barras. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

Sandra Maley, Caralea Taylor, and Lauren Barras. (Josh Piercey/Revelstoke Review)

READ MORE: Revelstoke resident hailed as hero for saving baby’s life with CPR

At the award presentation, members of the Revelstoke Ambulance service once again stressed the importance of community members getting certified and trained to perform first aid.

According to BCEHS, over 45,000 Canadians suffer out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrests annually, with only 8.4 per cent surviving to hospital discharge. Bystanders, like Jones, who initiate CPR can increase the chance of an individual’s survival by up to 75 per cent.

The BCEHS is promoting a new application called PulsePoint which alerts you if there is a possible victim of out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest within 400 metres of your location anywhere in B.C. Additionally, if there is a public access defibrillator nearby, the app will tell you where it is. Anyone who is able to provide CPR is able to download the PulsePoint app.

Nearly six months on from the scary day in his young life, Kasper is now happy and thriving.

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