10 ways to make Valentines Day last all year long

A guide to good relationships

  • Feb. 11, 2011 1:00 p.m.

•Would I rather be right or happy?

In successful relationships both partners accept that we all have our different ways of doing things.

•Master the fine art of communication.

Communication is at the root of the problems faced by almost every couple most professionals ever see.

•Learn to fight fair.

Emotional discussions, by their very nature, are about more important underlying issues, like trust, control, or jealousy.

•Commit, already. Commitment really means that you consider the other person in all matters – you consider how any action you might take affects your partner and the relationship.

•Be trustworthy.

Do not break trust with your partner. Lack of trust is


•Learn how to share unconditionally.

Sharing is so alien to most of us that we give up something only because we want something in return.

•Nurture your partner’s dreams and goals.

If you’re failing to nurture your partner because you don’t know what their goals, dreams and aspirations are, you simply need to ask.

•Real romance isn’t about roses.

Romance is, above all, about making your partner feel special, and you can do that only by paying him or her some attention.

•Embrace the F-word: forgiveness.

To continue a relationship and be happy, you have to learn to forgive and move on.

•Don’t assume.

Resist your natural tendency to interpret your partner’s behavior. Instead, actually talk to them to find out what’s really going on.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer