The Alberni Valley United Church is hoping people will be able to help them identify the women in this photo who are dressed in wedding dresses from different eras. Please e-mail your tips to

The Alberni Valley United Church is hoping people will be able to help them identify the women in this photo who are dressed in wedding dresses from different eras. Please e-mail your tips to

100 YEARS: Do you know these women in Alberni Valley United Church photo?

The Alberni Valley United Church is asking the public to help identify women displaying wedding dresses in this historical photo.

The Alberni Valley United Church has a reason to celebrate in 2012: its present church turns 50 this year.

Although the church is not 100 years old, the congregation would like to help celebrate Port Alberni’s centennial as the oldest church in the Valley, spokesperson Kathy Allen said. One of the ways they are doing that is asking people to submit photos of themselves or family members getting married in the United Church.

People are also asked to supply a recipe along with the wedding photo, as the church committee would like to publish a book featuring the wedding photos and submitted recipes. People are asked to submit copies of wedding photos and not originals.

“May 2 we will have our annual high tea, with we hope a celebration of the marriages carried out in the United Church in the Valley,” Allen said.

Anyone who was married in either the United Church, St. Andrews on Margaret Street or First United on Argyle Street are asked to send a copy of their wedding photo for the display.

Allen also has a photo of several women displaying wedding dresses from across the years, taken in the sanctuary at the United Church. Although she and others have identified some of the people, they are hoping members of the public will be able to help them identify more.

“We’re looking for anyone who can put names to this photo,” Allen said.

Anyone with tips on names is asked to e-mail Wedding photos and recipes can be e-mailed to the same address, or mailed to Alberni Valley United Church, 3747 Church St., Port Alberni, V9Y 1T5.

Alberni Valley News