A fresh new look coming to Kelowna Museums

Share in the vision of Kelowna's history be becoming a member of the museums society.

  • Feb. 22, 2015 9:00 a.m.

Kelowna Museums Society hosts it Supporters Soirée and AGM on March 31.

This year the museum welcomed Linda Digby to the staff as executive director. She has taken its vision statement: “To be the leader connecting people and place in the Okanagan,” to heart.

The gallery has plans to ‘refresh’ its space later this year, and as such Digby urges new members and volunteers to be part of the renewal. “I urge you to share your vision with us,” she says. ” One way you can do that is by taking the KMS community survey which is available on our website (www.kelownamuseums.ca).”

“Help us create the museum you want.”

The soiree and AGM will be for all who share an enthusiasm for Kelowna, its history and museums. “Let’s explore the history and the possibilities of the Central Okanagan. For tickets see the website.

Two new exhibitions have openings coming up. On Feb. 28 The Glory Passes opens at the Okanagan Military Museum which is housed in Memorial Arena on Ellis Street north of the main museum.

On April 9 Asian Heritage in Kelowna will open at the Okanagan Heritage Museum, at 70 Queensway Ave. in Kelowna.


Kelowna Capital News