A helping hand is here for those grieving

Throughout our lives we experience losses, which we often do not consider as a loss. Then, when a tragedy occurs, we find ourselves overwhelmed with what has just happened, as well as all the past piling up on top of this tragedy; grief then becomes even more complicated.

Throughout our lives we experience losses, which we often do not consider as a loss. Then, when a tragedy occurs, we find ourselves overwhelmed with what has just happened, as well as all the past piling up on top of this tragedy; grief then becomes even more complicated.

Grief knows no boundaries of color, race, creed, religion, age or gender. We will all experience our own journeys of grief of one dimension or another in our lifetimes and it is one of the most difficult phases of our life journey we will experience for there is none other like it.

Loss does not only come as a result of death; loss through divorce, jobs, a great loss is losing all we have ever owned in a house fire, sentimental possessions which no home insurance will ever replace.

How do we go on after tragedies, how do we recover from our losses?

We will not ‘get over’ losing a loved one, but we do discover new ways to cope with all that life brings, had we not experienced this incredible journey of grief.

Our community is really not that small, it is one of the greatest communities we have had the privilege of calling our home.

Yes, we have lost dear friends who have left their footsteps for us to walk in, but we have also been able to witness how this community became large in coming together to comfort, console or bring meals.

Through all of these difficult times we have become better, stronger people.

We all need our time alone, but there is also comfort in grief shared. Lakes District Hospice again offers Grief and Loss Workshops at the College of New Caledonia on  Oct. 13, 20, 25 and 27 at 7 p.m.

The workshops are free and pre-registration is not required. In these workshops we will discover ways to become healthy individuals again and give to others what we have learned.

For questions or further information, contact Eve Isaak at 250-251-1501


Burns Lake Lakes District News