A Love Letter to Mother Nature

Gallery show features ode to wildlife and all things in nature

Daniel Pfister, left and Virginia Winter, right, share the June Art Gallery Show.

Daniel Pfister, left and Virginia Winter, right, share the June Art Gallery Show.

The Quesnel Art Gallery June show features the photography of two locals, Daniel Pfister and Virginia Winter. Titled A Love Letter to Mother Nature, each has selected their work with nature and wildlife as the focus. Each chose work they felt was a tribute to Mother Nature and reflected their love of the subject.

Daniel has also created wooden columns as part of the display to simulate trees in nature. As representative of the natural world, he darkened some to represent the death of trees and brightened some with red and yellow to suggest new life.

Both photographers feel privileged to live close to nature, just steps from their front door and often capture wildlife right outside their home.

“I live outside of town in a rural area with the everyday view over the Fraser River,” Virginia said.

She added she’s not a picture hunter.

“I catch what I see, not more.”

For Daniel photography is just one of his creative drivers. Depending on his mood.

“Sometimes when I can’t sit still I turn to carpentry and create with wood,” he said.

“Sometimes I’m peaceful and turn to painting with a nice glass of wine, however sometimes its a walk in the wild and that’s with my camera.”

The show includes wild and domestic animals in all seasons and settings.

One piercing photo of a wolf, taken by Daniel, fulfilled a longed-for experience.

He was accompanying local animal rescuer Willow Eyford on a trip to Fort Ware where she was picking up stray dogs and they encountered a wolf which had been taken from a den as a pup and raised in the village. Daniel said much of the wildness of the animal was still present and he felt lucky to have the chance to capture it with his camera.

For Virginia, taking pictures has been a life-long obsession, having received her first camera at the age of five. For Daniel it was much more recent. He acquired his first camera in 2007 and discovered his love of photography as an adult.

Virginia is an in-the-moment photographer who has the ability to capture life in one single moment.

“This moment will never come back,” she said.

Once captured, Virginia’s pictures are featured in various products she creates such as cards, calendars and small gifts. She markets her work through the Quesnel Farmers’ Market and Cariboo Keepsakes and a few of her photographs hang in venues in town including Books and Company.

Eminently practical, Virginia believes in making short, but reachable goals as opposed to lofty dreams and right now she’s focused on growing her business in Quesnel.

“I capture what I see through the lens, I design cards, calendars and more with my pictures and I sell them. Bringing all my skills together, I see myself as much more than just a photographer.”

A Love Letter to Mother Nature hangs in the Quesnel Art Gallery until July 2 and the gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This show is sponsored by West Fraser Mills.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer