A wonderful wedding as two families join

On Sunday last the Tweedsmuir House folks had the Grassy Plains church gospel singers drop in for a hymn sing.

On Sunday last the Tweedsmuir House folks had the Grassy Plains church gospel singers drop in for a hymn sing. We always look forward to their songs and friendly visits. This always helps pass the time.

On Wednesday evening we were treated at the Tweedsmuir House to the most delightful music and singing with Jan and Ross. It was a great evening with them. Their music is enjoyed by everyone. It’s the kind of singing and music I was brought up on. I think everyone enjoys the songs and music Jan and Ross play for us.

Nice wedding

On Saturday last there was the most delightful wedding in St. Luke’s on the lake church when Dimitra George and Richard Neave became man and wife. The bride was beautiful in her long white dress.

They both made a very handsome couple. The church was packed with family and friends. Paster Al from the Grassy Plains church took the service. As it was such a lovely day there were lots of pictures taken and of course lots of visiting. The church lawn was such a pretty place for pictures and visiting. Then folks moved on into the Francois Lake Hall where tables were set up for a sit down dinner.

The tables were set up very tastefully and so well organized for so many. The rest of the hall was decorated as well. The dinner was also well prepared and so well managed. The hall was also packed with so many friends and family as the bride and groom are from large popular families. The bride and groom cut the super wedding cake which was made by the groom’s mother. Everyone could not get over how huge it was.

This was the joining of two well known and popular families. After dinner was over there was more pictures taken and more visiting. A dance followed such a wonderful wedding celebration. Many good wishes and love was passed out to the bride and groom as they start a new life together.


The big trucks are still coming in with huge loads of big bales of hay. Most of it seems to be going to the Southside. I notice some of the summer pastures are getting pretty short so if this keeps up folks will be feeding their winter hay to keep the stock in good shape.

This will no doubt hurt our local stock men and big time. I well remember the big dry we went through on the prairie. We had no money to buy hay so we had to try and get through.

The government shipped hay in to help out but it was very poor quality almost like slough hay. No doubt we will get rain so keep your chins up it’s still early.

Train wreck

The train wreck just west of Burns Lake will be talked about for a long time. What a mess this turned out to be and the cost will be way up there too. It was a miracle that no one was killed or hurt and that’s a plus.

As you can see in the pictures luck was with everybody, the truck driver and the train crew. There must have been a guardian angel riding on their shoulders. Another lucky thing there was no issues regarding hazardous materials on board then it would have been a real disaster. Maybe hauling by rail is not so safe after all.

Food for thought

This is a little story of myself and my Chev taxi and the rail way crossing in Burns Lake. I was coming in from the lake to pick up a fare in town. I stopped at the crossing, no trains in sight so I started over they rack. I was right in the middle of the track and the car stopped moving. I was in gear, motor running and there I was dead on the track and a train coming. I jumped out and started to push and it was too heavy.

So I said goodbye Chev then low and behold two guys saw my problem and the three of us got my car off the track just by inches. Was I ever grateful as these unknown helpers saved my car. We towed the car into the Burns Lake equipment garage where they opened up the rear end and the crown and pinion were worn out.

They had never in the shop saw something like that but as I checked the miles, 100,000 miles were coming up so no wonder. The new parts for the rear end were put in and we were away. I sold my Chev to Mike and Mabel Tetreau of Southbank. They got some good miles from it.

They sold the car to the Tommy Jack family who made a Bennet Buggy out of my old car. What a let down but it served them well too.

When I first got into the taxi business the far was $3 then it went up to $5 then up to $10 now I think it’s over $20 now. When I first stated gas was three gallons for $1, that’s what we sold gad for at the landing.

Going through some old papers I came across this cutting. This was 79 years ago, over a lifetime. My 92 birthday comes up Aug. 24. So here is the story. On my 13 birthday I rode into Evesham to pick up our mail on horseback. I walked up to the same wicket that’s in the Burns Lake museum. Sarah Turner was post mistress and as I picked up our mail she said “happy birthday Hugh, congratulations you are now starting your teens, you are grown up now, you are 13 years old.” This was Aug. 24, 1935. I was already doing a mans work such as milking cows, driving larger teams of horses, doing most everything except going to school. My dad used to say “your school days are the happiest days of your ice, enjoy them while you can.” As I look back I must agree with him he was right. At the time I didn’t think so.

A little joke

An 84 year old man went to the doctor for a physical. A few days later the doctor saw him walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. The doctor saw him and  asked how he was going. “Great” said the old guy. “I did just what you told me, got a hot mama and be cheerful.” “I did not say that” said the doctor. “I said you’ve got a heart murmur, be careful.”

Take care and always remember God loves you and so do I.


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