A world with clean water

Clean drinking water around the world is the goal for two girls from the Golden area.

Two local girls have decided they want to do what they can to make sure that people all over the world have clean drinking water.

According to Turn on the Tap, an organization run through Samaritans’s Purse, there are 884 million people in the world who struggle with finding access to a safe water supply.

Every year 1.4 million children die from diarrhoeal diseases, diseases that are transmitted through contaminated water.

Unsafe water sources that people are forced to use every day are killing thousands.

“We have a goal to raise $1,000 which will buy 10 water filters. And each water filter will provide clean safe drinking water for six to eight people for life,” said Melissa Lavoie.

Lavoie and her friend Kristin Libby have decided to do a 5 km walk and fundraise to contribute to Turn on the Tap.

“Kristin was organizing it, and she emailed me and asked me if I was interested and wanted to help her fundraise. So I came up with the idea to do a garage sale the week before our walk,” said Lavoie. “I have been asking for donations, but I think I’m pretty much covered already. People have been bringing me lots of stuff.”

The garage sale will have various items including clothing, kids clothing, toys, household items, a desk, a TV, lots of books, some movies, and just a little bit of everything.

“Both Kristin and I participate in Operation Christmas Child, which is also through Samaritan’s Purse, so we are both familiar with the organization,” said Lavoie.

“Kristin is the one who chose this project, but I was more than willing to help out. And water is such a good cause, it saves so many lives.”

The girls will be walking five kms on March 10 carrying five litres of water each. They will be starting at Golden Secondary School, and anyone who wants to join them is welcome.

The garage sale will be taking place on March 3 at 330 Fisher Road in the Amenity Room, from 9 a.m. until the early afternoon, depending on how much stuff is left.

Lavoie is also accepting monetary donations for the cause, and she can be reached at 344-1711 for a donation form and a tax receipt for donations over $15.

For more information on Turn on the Tap, go to www.turnonthetap.ca.


Golden Star