ACTIVE ADULTS: Rec centre is in full spring

Lots of activities to participate in at the South Surrey Recreation and Arts Centre.

Spring is in the air at South Surrey Recreation and Arts Centre.

Have you thought about trying something new for spring? There are exciting new programs this season with the fitness centre opening.

We now offer circuit weight training, teaching a time efficient method of training both your cardio and muscles, and weight training, assisting you with developing muscular strength and endurance through effective strength-training.

The fitness centre is 8,000 sq.-ft. of state-of-the-art equipment, staff on site to assist with questions, stretching areas, washrooms and much more.

Drop by the centre to pick up your new Leisure Guide with all the new program information, including the arts centre pottery classes.

The 55+ badminton and pickleball drop-in times have also had some changes for the spring season, with the addition of new times for both of these programs, so make sure you pick up your spring drop-in schedule so you don’t miss out on your times.

We welcome back our duplicate bridge players who have been playing offsite this year at the Rotary Clubhouse.  Thanks to the Rotary for their hospitality to this group during the year of transition.

Fitness for spring continues at full speed every day at South Surrey rec centre, with all the favourite classes now starting at 6 a.m. with our new hours.

Wake up and start your day with a 6:15 a.m. yoga class, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the new studio. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, cardio combo and body sculpt will wake you up at 6:15 a.m.

Remember, our fitness centre will be open to offer other fitness opportunities.  There will be so many more options for your fitness success.

The intergenerational therapeutic garden has once again survived the winter.

Fresh soil has been delivered and the volunteers have begun the task of replenishing the vegetable boxes, weeding, refreshing the border beds and general maintenance.

If you are interested in participating in our garden, please contact Terri at 604-592-6962.

Terri Focker, a community service assistant for the City of Surrey, writes monthly on seniors activities.•


Peace Arch News