ACTIVE LIFE: Lessons learned from children

NANAIMO – Playing helps keep adults carefree, happy and constantly learning.

By Tammy Toor

Play – it’s not just for kids. A friend and I are always joking about aging – how we want to be immature adults for the rest of our lives. Not immature in the negative context but immature in the way that children are – carefree, happy and constantly learning. As a mother of two small children, I am amazed at how much they are teaching me long-forgotten lessons from my childhood. For example:

Play – As an adult, it’s easy to forget how to enjoy a West Coast rainy day and just go ahead and jump into that puddle or walk through some mud or put on some music and dance around the living room. Next time you throw on your gumboots, walk through the middle of the puddle instead of walking around it.

Move – Oh, the endless energy children have. Children teach us that the more you move, the more energy you have. A recent study on the benefits of walking suggested that every time you go for a one-hour walk, your life expectancy increases by two hours. Be like children and keep moving. Also, there is an added benefit from movement: it releases endorphins making us feel happier.

Try new things – Kids aren’t afraid to look silly as they try new things. They sing like nobody’s listening; they draw pictures without fear of ridicule. As we get older, we avoid doing things based on what we think others will think. Kids don’t care, so why should we?

Speaking of trying new things, our new spring and summer Activity Guide will be available for pickup on March 1. In it you will find lots of activities that will help you remain “immature” through play, movement, appreciation and, of course, trying new things.

For more, please visit or call us at 250-756-5200.

Tammy Toor is a graphics design specialist with the City of Nanaimo.

Nanaimo News Bulletin