AUXILIARY NOTES: Increasing mobility

The Peace Arch Auxiliary is fortunate to be able to purchase equipment that makes a huge difference, writes columnist Felicity Matthews

The Peace Arch Auxiliary is fortunate to be able to purchase equipment that makes a huge difference in the lives of our residents of Dr. Al Hogg Pavilion and the Weatherby Pavilion.

Last year, we were able to purchase two Arjo platform walkers, which cost $8,000 each.

The unique thing about these walkers is that they have a remote-controlled height-adjustment platform, which provides the support that many residents need to stand and walk.

The walker also includes a feature to assist residents with the initial phase of standing – the phase that requires the greatest amount of strength.

This is often lacking in some of our residents.

These walkers include many features that enhance the safety of both residents and staff. They increase mobility, help prevent falls help manage pain and increase the quality of life for those people that need them.

They make a huge difference, including increasing a resident’s ability to participate in their daily care.

It is important to our auxiliary that the monies that we raise support all areas of the hospital.

The Gift Shop continues to be busy this spring and new items are arriving weekly. Our buyers are constantly looking for new items for the shop.

The Flower Power Group supplies the shop with new flower arrangements each week.

The Superfluity Shop is celebrating their 37th anniversary at its present location on Prospect Avenue.

Our president at that time, Diane Perrie, with her vice-president Ellen Kennett (Sinclair) and her Board, were instrumental in our purchasing of the shop.

She is still volunteering at the shop, and we celebrate all of our amazing volunteers who help keep this shop such a busy place.

Our regular customers are always eager to see our latest treasures and great finds which are put out daily.

The auxiliary is always looking for new members. If you would like to join this energetic group of people, please pick up an information package at the Superfluity Shop, located at 15163 Prospect Ave., at the information desk in the hospital lobby or at

Felicity Matthews writes monthly on behalf of the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary.


Peace Arch News