Avid cyclist at FVRD takes on Bike to Work challenge

FVRD Environmental Services coordinator Rebecca Abernethy is getting reading to bike to Chilliwack from Vancouver daily for a week

FVRD Environmental Services coordinator Rebecca Abernethy is getting reading to bike to work in Chilliwack - more than 100 km daily starting Monday for Bike to Work week.

FVRD Environmental Services coordinator Rebecca Abernethy is getting reading to bike to work in Chilliwack - more than 100 km daily starting Monday for Bike to Work week.

She’s an avid cyclist who missed her car-free commute since taking a job in Chilliwack.

FVRD Environmental Services coordinator Rebecca Abernethy is getting reading to bike to work more than 100 km daily starting Monday for Bike to Work week.

She’ll travel from home in Vancouver to her office in Chilliwack in part to support Canadian Environment Week June 2-6.

Since combustion engine vehicles are one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, Abernethy’s trek illustrates that biking to work can be a viable option for almost anyone. As an avid cyclist who used to regularly commute to work in Vancouver, Abernethy missed her car-free days after taking the job at the Chilliwack-based Fraser Valley Regional District office eight months ago.

She’s glad to get back on the bike.

“When I lived and worked in Vancouver, my commute was always on bike or foot. But now since my daily travel is a lot longer, cycling is a bit of a challenge. Bike to Work week became the perfect opportunity and inspiration,” says Abernethy.

One of the FVRD’s corporate objectives is to improve the air quality in the Fraser Valley airshed.

“We think it is absolutely amazing that Rebecca has taken on this commuting challenge. The FVRD is extremely proud of her initiative, and the drive of all staff to help improve air quality and the impact we have on the environment,” said FVRD Chair Sharon Gaetz.

It’s quite the feat.

“Although it can’t be done every day, I hope this inspires others to think about what their commute is doing to the environment. It’s a small step, but I believe every single one puts us in the right direction,” said Abernethy.

Schedule of FVRD activities:

•    Monday, June 2: Commuter Challenge: Rebecca and the FVRD staff begin the commuter challenge. Walk, ride, carpool and take transit to work!

•    Tuesday, June 3:  Recycling Refresher. Be honest, do you know what goes where? Check out our handy tips for how to handle recyclables.

•Wednesday, June 4: Clean Air Day. We share the air, let’s care for the air! Get the info on all the amazing ways the FVRD is working to improve air quality.

•Thursday, June 5: World Environment Day. FVRD staff will be test driving the environmentally friendly Nissan Leaf Electric Car.

•    Friday, June 6: World Oceans Day. Check out our tips on what you can be doing to save our waters.

Chilliwack Progress