Awards for Mission keep blooming

Awards for Mission keep blooming

Mission’s excellence in environmental initiatives has earned it a five-bloom rating once again by B.C.’s Communities in Bloom (CIB).

The eighth annual provincial awards ceremony held in Sooke last Saturday recognized Mission in the Five-Bloom Winner’s Circle, along with 10 other B.C. communities.

Local CIB member and district councillor Heather Stewart, who will be attending the national awards symposium in Quebec City in late October, said it’s not just a recognition of community beautification.

“It’s environmental projects and heritage conservation, tidiness and green displays. Our [municipal] forest is very significant in all of that.”

All participating communities in CIB receive a rating of one to five “blooms” based on criteria such as business involvement, citizen associations, service groups like Rotary, local government projects, and community involvement from volunteers.

Mission was also recognized in the showcase entry for the garden at the corner of Seventh Avenue and Grand Street, which is a storm water management park.

“The special part about it is the material was donated and all the work was volunteer,” she said of the garden.

Stewart noted the reason Mission is able to consistently hold its rating is based on the work of a volunteer committee formed in 2004 to ensure it wins highest marks in the 20,000 to 50,000 population category every year.

Winners of the five-bloom rating are presented with eye-catching street banners to promote their success.

This is Mission’s third consecutive provincial five-bloom rating and will seek to repeat last year’s five-bloom rating in the national competition next month.

Mission City Record