BC food producers welcome $2-million “buy local” campaign

The B.C. government is investing $2 million to help B.C. farmers and food processors promote local foods,

The B.C. government is investing $2 million to help B.C.  farmers and food processors promote local foods, Agriculture Minister  Don McRae announced August 30.

The funding will allow local businesses and organizations to launch  or expand their own marketing campaigns, so different sectors of  B.C.’s diverse food industry can use customized promotions specific  to their market and needs. It is anticipated the funding will be  particularly helpful to small-scale producers and businesses looking  to promote their products.

Businesses and organizations will be able to apply for matching  funding from the provincial government for projects that promote  local foods. Projects could include in-store promotions, social media  or web campaigns, smartphone apps, traditional advertising, on – product labelling and food-tourism maps. Producers, stores, farmers  markets, restaurants, processors and industry associations all will  be eligible to participate.


Building the local market for B.C. foods is a key commitment of  government’s Agrifoods Strategy, a component of the B.C. Jobs Plan,  to lead the agrifoods sector growth into a $14-billion-a-year  industry by 2017.



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