Be prepared for emergencies at home.

Be prepared for emergencies at home.

Be prepared for emergencies at home

With a new year upon us, why not invest in a resolution that could save your life or the life of a loved one or neighbour?

Emergency Management BC (EMBC) is urging you to make emergency preparedness a priority and to invest in preparedness for your home, your family, your neighbourhood, and your community.

Through PreparedBC, EMBC offers tips and resources to help make personal preparedness easily achievable. Start by building an emergency kit and developing a household plan that you and your family can practice throughout the year and be confident in.

Creating a home emergency kit doesn’t need to take long or become costly.

Just follow the basic list below and remember to store your collected supplies in an easy-to-access location during an emergency:

  • First Aid kit
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radio
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Cellphone with charger (inverter or solar charger)
  • Cash in small bills
  • A local map with your family meeting place identified
  • A minimum three-day supply of food and water
  • Garbage bags
  • Dust mask
  • Seasonal clothing and footwear
  • Water (minimum of four litres of water per person, per day)


Other PreparedBC Resources, are available at: – including a Household Preparedness Guide and Household Emergency Plan, Neighbourhood Preparedness Guide, Pet Preparedness Guide, Resource for People with Disabilities, and Guide for Apartments, Condos and Townhomes.

Make your 2017 New Year’s resolution something your family or friends prepare for before disaster strikes.

For more information on how you and your family can get prepared, visit:

Campbell River Mirror