A black bear is deterred from food items by an electric fence.

A black bear is deterred from food items by an electric fence.

Bear Aware hosting electric fence workshop

Revelstoke Bear Aware hosting workshop on installing electric fences to help keep out bears.

By Sue Davies, co-ordinator, Revelstoke Bear Aware

Revelstoke Bear Aware is proud to present a free electric fencing workshop, in association with British Columbia Conservation Foundation and funded by Columbia Basin Trust.

Electric fences have been a successful tool to protect livestock, chickens, bees, fruit trees, gardens, buildings and campsites from bears. Electric fences prevent bears from becoming habituated to humans and conditioned to human food.

Gillian Sanders, from the North Kootenay Lake Bear Smart Program, will be the guest speaker for this event. She has a great deal of experience running electric fencing workshops in communities around British Columbia. She has personally kept bees for the past 17 years and has successfully co-existed with grizzly and black bears by using electric fencing.

This outdoor workshop will give participants hands-on experience installing both portable and permanent electric fences. Gillian will recommend different types and models of fences depending upon the needs of participants. She will also discuss proper maintenance, safety and cost. Gillian has many practical tips and tricks of the trade to share.

The workshop will be held at 6:30pm on Aug. 8, at 2022 Highland Rd, in Arrow Heights. The workshop will last for approximately two hours and refreshments will be served.

To register for the FREE electric fencing workshop please contact Revelstoke Bear Aware at 250-837-8624.

For more information on how to manage bear attractants, visit the provincial Bear Aware website www.bearaware.bc.ca or visit www.revelstokebearaware.org.

To report bear sightings or problem bears please call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.

Revelstoke Bear Aware gratefully acknowledges the financial support of BC Conservation Foundation, Columbia Basin Trust, BC Hydro, Revelstoke Credit Union, and Revelstoke Community Foundation. Revelstoke Bear Aware also appreciates the ongoing in-kind support from Parks Canada, the CSRD, and the City of Revelstoke.

Revelstoke Times Review