Being in a fog nothing new to students

Lately on the Island it’s been hard to miss, nearly blinding us for up to one kilometre

Fog; the vision impairer, a worry for drivers and birds alike.

Lately on the Island it’s been hard to miss, nearly blinding us for up to one kilometre. Fog, a low-lying cloud, is made up of a collection of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air. Denser than mist, fog is formed at a dew point of generally less than 2.5 degrees Celsius.

Recently, local airports have not been able to keep to their schedules, with morning flights in particular being cancelled. Many parents driving their children to school have been concerned by the conditions. 
Now one may ask, “How does this affect youth?” Well, other than the metaphoric value it holds, not much. Many students feel this blanket of fog takes over their already sensory-challenged brains.

A confused local student, Kevin Wilson, says of his current state of mind, “I put my fork in a microwave, nearly cut my finger off in a blender, and forgot to swallow my water then drooled when I tried to talk.”

Clearly, it can be seen in all the youth in the school hallways. Personally, I’ve lost seven pencils and flunked two tests this week. It’s obvious this brain fog is getting lost in the pathway between the brain and bodily sensors. Moreover, the number of awkward physical encounters has increased by 150 per cent during exam week.

Now, an adult may ask, “Isn’t this just teenage hormones?”

No! It is always more than a hormonal issue. Our brains are dense and full of ice crystals. The fog is impairing our vision too.

With exams in session, and end of semester stress, the fog is not likely to lift for another week.



Campbell River Mirror