Bereaved families invited to Christmastime Gathering

Local Funeral Home holds annual gathering of prayers and comfort for those who have lost friends and loved ones

The holiday season can be a difficult time for people who are mourning the death of a loved one, whether that death occurred recently or some time ago.

In an effort to help bereaved families throughout the North Thompson Valley, the local funeral home is holding its annual Christmastime Gathering.

Everyone is welcome to come to the funeral home in Barriere (across from the Liquor Store) from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 8th, 2010.

The event will be divided into two parts.  For the first hour, representatives from several local churches will offer prayers, words of comfort, and thoughts on ways to cope during the Christmas holidays.

During the second hour there will be a candle lighting ceremony, an opportunity to place a decoration on the Christmas tree in memory of a loved one who has passed away, and a time for everyone to connect.

Refreshments will be served throughout the gathering.

“This will be the fourth year we have held a Christmastime Gathering in Barriere.  Many people have told us how important these gatherings are to them,” said Drake Smith, owner of North Thompson Funeral Services.  “It’s an opportunity to pay tribute to a loved one who has passed away, and a chance to enjoy time together as a community.”

Father Donal O’Reilly, one of several local ministers planning to participate in the first hour of the Christmastime Gathering, said “Although many people may not attend church regularly, this is a chance to place the passing of their loved one into spiritual context, at a time when people prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.”

Reverend Graham Brownmiller of the Church of St. Paul agrees, adding “I hope we can help provide comfort to those in the North Thompson who may find this time of year to be quite challenging. I believe this is an important offering to the community and I’m thankful to be able to help support our community.”

For more information please call Drake Smith or MaryAnn Canaday at 250-672-1999.



Barriere Star Journal