Blood moon tetrads

Another season of Passover is upon us. But this time, there will be a series of blood moon tetrads in the sky to announce it.

  • Apr. 15, 2014 11:00 a.m.

Another season of Passover is upon us. But this time, there will be a series of blood moon tetrads (four over two years) in the sky to announce it. The last series of blood moons to fall on Jewish Festivals was 1967, when Israel regained control of the Temple Mount after the Six Day War. The time before that was 1949, the first Passover after surviving the Holocaust and becoming a nation. The time before that was 1493, after surviving the Spanish Inquisition, when a captain named “Columbus,” brought them to the shores of a new world. The time before that was 70 AD, when the Temple at Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans.

These signs tell us God is not finished with the nation he created to bless the world. How does Israel bless the world? Through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth, clothed in humanity, to be the Passover Lamb – not just for Israel, but for the world.

God said, “… The sun shall be turned into darkness (eclipse) and the moon into blood (Blood Moons), before that great and manifest Day of the Lord comes.”  What is the “Day of the Lord?” It is a time when God says he will judge the wickedness of the world, the same way He judged Egypt, during the Exodus.  But the good news is this:  “… And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved from the wrath to come.”

The first blood moon will take place Tuesday, April 15. Given the historical significance of Blood Moons on Passover, we ought to understand the coming phenomenon as heavenly reminders from Almighty God, that He will never fail nor forsake those under the blood of the Lamb of God.


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