Boy was the Grassy Plain Bluegrass a great event or what?

The second annual Grassy Plains Bluegrass country jamboree is behind us but the memories of this wonderful weekend will remain with us for as long time.

The second annual Grassy Plains Bluegrass country jamboree is behind us but the memories of this wonderful weekend will remain with us for as long time.

Everything was so well organized and planned and it all went over so well. The entertainment for want of a better word, professional with the singing and music coming from the heart and with a love of what they were doing.

Hats off to Richard Cannon who seems to always pick the very best of helpers to make a successful Bluegrass. Richard just seems to make it all happen.

There was a large crowd of Bluegrass country lovers and there is a special feeling of love and fellowship that goes with it.

This to me is what makes Bluegrass special. No one is left out. There always seems that so many wonderful friends come out.

Folks that you have met before and you are remembered right from the heart. If you missed this last Bluegrass you really missed a lot as it was wonderful, yes sir you really missed it.

If you were to ask me why I love Bluegrass here is my answer, it’s not only the music and the singing, it’s the love that’s in every heart that makes it so special for me.

It was wonderful for me to have my niece Renay and her singing group the “June Bugs” preforming for us. To have her here gave me a much needed uplift.

This group came from Calgary and have promised to come back next year. Everyone seemed to love Renay and I have a special love for her too.

Many of the performers came a long way to be here and we thank them for it, believe me. As an estimate there were 500 persons present for the festival.

Nice visit

My daughter Kathy and my two granddaughters Robyn and Jordyn came from northern Ireland to spend their holidays with me. What a great time they had with the family. The weather was not the best but still and all they had a fun time.

It was unfortunate for Kathy as she hurt her knee in the airport so things were not so good for her, as it was very painful. Our home is very quiet and lonesome with their leaving. I hope they will come back to stay some day.


There is something I must not forget to mention, on Saturday’s performance the Pines staff brought out a number of the residents to listen to the singing and music. The residents were served a lunch as well as a visit. The Pines staff are very kind and considerate to give the residents a very entertaining afternoon.

On Wednesday Brian Worrall and Lone Spur were invited to play at the Tweedsmuir House in town. It was a great evening for us. It’s such a lovely place to entertain. We played an hour and a half. Again I must say it’s a gorgeous retirement home, so clean and with such lovely furniture. Some new residents have moved in, Al and Kay Shaffer and Virginia O’Meara. They are enjoying their stay no doubt.

Interesting find

Our good friends and neighbours Jerry and Lois Koop sent me something very interesting over. As they renovated their home on one wall they found an old 1929-30 game regulations, what a find. It’s over 80 years old. The home Jerry and Lois now live in at one time belonged to the late Jeffrey family and the game regulation book was covering a wall to keep out the wind no doubt.

I have noticed in our old house there were old newspapers used for insulation and to keep out the wind. Lots of these old homes have sawdust in the walls and through the years the sawdust works down and is no use as an insulation.

Both our house and the Jeffrey house were built in 1918 as far as I can find out. Although our home is very old there was always been love and a welcome and that’s what a home is all about.

My late wife Jo always loved our home and her love is still here. Everyday I can feel it. By my figures our old house is 93 years old, no wonder the insurance will no longer insure it. I guess they have to cover their tracks too.


I notice in one of the last papers a mention of some break-ins. It seems all is quiet and then we hear of these robberies in our town. Not only in town but also here a the landing.

Last week our neighbour had his boat stolen. At least they tied it up at the Southbank dock so it was safe.

When you hear of these robberies so close to home it makes a person feel unsafe. Is this the end of it or will it keep on going?

It’s not many years ago some thieves started in at Sandy’s Resort and took three motors.

They worked their way east. Took Dick Bonds motor, Fred Rushton’s and then took ours. They had bolt cutters so they just cut the chains.

Working on the way to town they took a motor from Tchesinkut Lake and some of Outdoor Adventures. They really made a haul. In all our years here we have lost two boats and one motor, not a bad average I would guess.

We had our pickup stolen and found it in the rock cuts at Noralee. No damage but they had run it out of fuel, maybe a good thing.

We only had our store broken into once and the dope that did it broke the window, opened the till and stole a B.C. Hydro voucher and his own check as he had no money to cover it.

We caught him in five minutes.

We always had a watch dog so that was a plus for us. These robberies seem to come in spurts or it seems to me.

Some of the local ranchers have taken a chance on the weather and laid down some hay. It seems the hay crop is also so heavy it’s hard to cut and how is it going to cure out with the cool weather and the rain showers. We wish them lots of luck.

A little story and human nature such as it is.

One guy wrote ‘the older I get the funnier I find people’. How true.

Have a safe week, let up on the pedal as the life you save could be your own. Always remember God loves you a great deal and so do I.


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