Boys and girls groups foster good attributes

Carson school runs both a boys and girls group where they learn through group activities

  • Apr. 9, 2014 7:00 p.m.
Most recently students have been working with carver, Ted Stahl. A very big thank you to Stahl for working with students over lunch hours to share his mastery in carving.

Most recently students have been working with carver, Ted Stahl. A very big thank you to Stahl for working with students over lunch hours to share his mastery in carving.

In partnership with SD28 Aboriginal Educational Programs, Carson school runs both a boys’ and girls’ group. Students are mixed in ancestry and work together on activities to develop their sense of belonging, mastery, generosity, and independence. These four attributes make up our Circle of Courage, a concept derived from the medicine wheel. Most recently, and indicated in the photo, students have been working with carver, Ted Stahl. A very big thank you to Stahl for working with students over lunch hours to share his mastery in carving. Thank you also goes to Mrs. Watson, the Aboriginal Education Worker, who devotes herself to quality care, support and guidance of the students.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer