Businesses invited to participate in the Volunteer Fair

Community needs are changing with cutbacks in traditional funding and increased demand for services.

For a business to be successful, the community around it needs to be healthy and thriving.

Community needs are changing with cutbacks in traditional funding and increased demand for services. These changes bring fresh opportunities for partnerships between business and non-profit organizations.

We invite entrepreneurs and employees to visit the Okanagan Volunteer Opportunities Fair at Parkinson Recreation on Saturday Sept. 8. between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Over 75 not-for-profit agencies will be on hand to answer your questions. Where is my staff already involved? What causes are near and dear to them? What do we have to offer a non-profit organization to help them improve?

Research shows there are practical benefits for businesses that give back to the community. Employees who are supported in their volunteerism stay in their jobs longer and are more committed to their work.

All things being equal, recent graduates are much more likely to accept employment with a socially responsible company.  An authentic community presence attracts strong candidates when recruiting.

The right relationships enhance your brand. Partnering in creative ways can help support programs for those in need while drawing attention to your products and services.

Becoming known for your business involvement in the community sets you apart from your competition and expands your market position.

New relationships between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations create an investment in the people and resources available within the community.

All of these efforts lead to greater profitability and stability for your business.

And so, I return to my initial invitation. Come to the Volunteer Fair on Sept. 8. Learn more about what is already happening and brainstorm about where your business could make a difference.

Join the conversation on Facebook or check out Community Services Okanagan Volunteer Opportunities Fair.

See you there.

Kelowna Capital News