C.G. Jung Society hosting presentation on Nov. 7

The Comox Valley C.G. Jung Society will host a presentation entitled “Jungian Dreamwork: Creative expressive approaches to working with Archetypal Images” by registered clinical counselor and Jungian training candidate, Joel Kroeker on Friday, Nov. 7.

One hundred years ago, psychologist Carl Jung developed techniques to access our unconscious mind by analyzing dreams and by using active imagination.

Jungian analysts have explored dreams and used active imagination through visual art-making, movement and dance, but there have been few uses of sound to work with dreams.

This experiential presentation will illustrate various approaches to working with dream images through the use of music and the expressive arts, and will introduce a new method called Archetypal Music Psychotherapy.

Kroeker, MA, MMT, is a registered clinical counselor and music therapist with a practice in Victoria, who worked as a singer-songwriter for a decade and has produced three award-winning albums.

He is also a Jungian psychoanalyst training candidate at the Jung Institute in Zurich.

The presentation will be in Room 203, Tyee Hall, North Island College at 7 p.m.

Cost is $20 at the door or $15 for Jung Society members. Memberships will be available at the presentation.


Comox Valley Record