Canada Day offers opportunity to appreciate city’s activities

NANAIMO – National holiday leads to reflection on Nanaimo's best qualities.

By Tammy Toor

This time of year with the Canada Day holiday, I have spent some time reflecting on all of the privileges that come with my citizenship. I am proud to be Canadian and find it hard to stop the emotions that surface each time I stand for our national anthem O Canada.

That reflecting also got me thinking about this wonderful city we live in. It’s easy to grumble about the things we don’t like but I chose Canada Day to reflect on the fabulous opportunities living in this city affords me and my family. Here are just a few examples that I recently experienced or will experience this summer:

Free Family Fun Night held on June 27 at Departure Bay Park and Canada Day celebrations held at Maffeo Sutton Park. These events had delicious food, top-notch entertainment, art in the park, interactive booths and more.

Free Playground Program for children held at various parks throughout the summer. Last week I took my kids to one of the parks where the experienced staff led a large number of park visitors in games and crafts. Check out the city’s website for details.

On Canada Day, I got to discover yet another fantastic park and hike a stunning trail. When we reached the top, the view literally took my breath away. I’d recommend making this summer one where you explore one of many of the parks and trails found all around you.

Concerts in the Park start this Wednesday (July 9) at Bowen and Maffeo Sutton. I attended most of the concerts last year, and I have to say, the standard of the performances was outstanding.

I could easily add to my list of what makes Nanaimo so great, but I’m sure you already have a long list yourself.

Tammy Toor is a communications and graphics specialist with Nanaimo parks and rec.

Nanaimo News Bulletin