City publishes 2015 Annual Report, Council to review at June 27 meeting

The City of Campbell River has published its 2015 Annual Report, which will be reviewed at the June 27 Council meeting.

The city is required by law to produce an annual report that includes the City’s audited financial statements before June 30 each year. The document also provides a comprehensive summary of the City’s strategic goals and objectives as well as services provided to the community. It highlights 2015 achievements and awards and lays out goals for 2016-17.

The document also contains historical and demographic information.

“The 2015 Annual Report identifies that Council and staff have made significant progress on council strategic priorities in the past year, and those priorities continue to be a focus moving into the coming year,” says Ron Neufeld, deputy city manager. “People reading the City of Campbell River’s 2015 Annual Report will notice that the document has been updated with a more contemporary look.

“There are far more images of our spectacular community, and graphic icons provide a reader-friendly summary of City services at a glance.”

The City of Campbell River’s 2015 Annual Report is posted on the City’s website ( under What’s New – and will be archived with previous annual reports on the website under Your City Hall / Financial Plans Reports. People can also request a paper copy from City Hall reception.

The council meeting to review the 2015 Annual Report will be held at 6:30 p.m. June 27 in Council Chambers at City Hall.

Campbell River Mirror