Come for the adventure, stay for the lifestyle

Glacier Rafting is located in Golden, B.C.

Ryan Johannesen has been managing Glacier Rafting for two years and runs Hangfire Avalanche Training in the winter.

Ryan Johannesen has been managing Glacier Rafting for two years and runs Hangfire Avalanche Training in the winter.

Golden is proving that living an outdoor lifestyle can offer great opportunities. Ryan Johannesen, a Golden resident since 2001, is the manager of Glacier Rafting and runs Hangfire Avalanche Training.

“I moved to Golden when I was 18 for the same reasons most do, which is to snowboard as much as possible. I was looking for a small town with a big mountain in BC. After hearing about Golden and Kicking Horse it was an easy call to make.”

Johannesen has been guiding for Glacier for as long as he has lived in Golden and believes it is the most enjoyable summer job there is. “I got involved in Rafting through a guides training course that was offered through the College of the Rockies. An amazing course and it instantly hooked me on guiding. I never look at the clock wondering when my ‘shift’ is over.”

Johannesen is in his second year of managing Glacier but he is not new to running a business.

“In the winter I run Hangfire Avalanche Training. We offer Avalanche Skills Training 1 courses for snowmobilers and at some point skiers as well. Hangfire Training is a much smaller and simpler operation [than Glacier] that Aaron Bernasconi and I started a few years back.”

Johannesen is also the director of the snowmobile club and says that becoming part of other events is not out of his sights.

“I would like to eventually become involved with the town and other events, but I’ll need to free up a little time before I can do that!”

Glacier Rafting had a successful season last summer with Johannesen taking charge and they hope for another successful season this year.

“You get out of it what you put in, so I’m putting in all I can.”

Golden Star