Communities blooming together

Editor’s note: This week, the Communities in Bloom Committee fills in for regular columnist Fred Lyall.

  • Feb. 22, 2011 2:00 p.m.

Editor’s note: This week, the Communities in Bloom Committee fills in for regular columnist Fred Lyall.

Those of us with the gardening bug are already out in our yards, examining our flower beds and peering under mulch, looking to see if any plants are starting to poke their heads up through the remaining remnants of ice and snow. Pretty flowers. We dream of them, make plans for the upcoming garden season and oh-so-impatiently, wait.

Pretty flowers are definitely a part of the Communities in Bloom program but there is so much more. CIB is a non-profit society that operates on a local, provincial, national and international level. The organization promotes pretty flowers, that’s true, but more importantly the real focus is on enhancing the livability of our commUNITIES. Citizen groups, organizations, businesses and local governments come together to ignite and unleash the potential within each community. The BC CIB Newsletter lists the following advantages of participating in the program: stimulates positive community energy, encourages tidiness and beautification in residential and business areas, networks various organizations for a common good, promotes excellence in environmental initiatives and acts as a catalyst to inventory the community’s assets. All of these inspire civic and citizen involvement and pride but also attract visitors, potential residents and investors.

Building commUNITY is the real focus of Communities in Bloom. As those pretty flowers need good soil, strong roots and nutrients in order to grow, communities need a good foundation of citizen involvement, positive energy and civic pride in order to prosper and reach their full potential.

In an effort to acknowledge individuals, or groups, that work to make Vernon a better, more livable community we have started the Bloomer awards. Tell us what you, or someone you know, are doing to make Vernon a better commUNITY. Call 250-545-1361, or e-mail us at

Vernon Morning Star