Cruisin’ for a Cause raises another $5,000

The Parksville A&W held another hugely successful annual MS Cruisin’ for a Cause Day on August 23.

The Parksville A&W held another hugely successful annual MS Cruisin’ for a Cause Day on August 23.

“Everybody at A&W really goes above and beyond and we really want to give them a huge thank you,” said Kathy Wilson, local MS sufferer and fundraiser.

The Parksville location raised $5,671, surpassing their $5,000 goal and proudly contributing to the $1.25 million raised nationally.

Organizers were confident about surpassing their goal having raised almost $4,000 fundraising throughout the year leading up to the big day when $1 from every teen burger or double teen burger went to the MS Society.

Staff were also spurred on by the promise that the manager’s husband John Young would shave his moustache for the first time in more than 25 years if they met their goal – which he did.

Asked if he looked like he enjoyed it Wilson hesitated, “well he was a really good sport about it.”

All funds go to the MS Society and local staff are already working towards next years big event. Visit, call 1-800-268-7582, or visit the local restaurant to make a donation.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News