CV Hospice Society AGM set


Meeting of the Comox Valley Hospice Society will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 15, 7 p.m. at the Old House Spa and Resort.

We would encourage all members, volunteers and individuals interested in hospice palliative care in the Comox Valley to attend.

This meeting offers the forum for election of new directors of the Society, presentation of the 2013 annual report and financials, and updates on the accomplishments and future of hospice palliative care in the Comox Valley.  In addition, it is a great opportunity for you to discuss your thoughts and ideas regarding hospice palliative care with members of the board of directors and to catch up with many of the other fantastic CVHS volunteers.

Immediately following the business meeting, there will be a presentation on the new residential hospice for the Comox Valley including the actual plans for the renovation and additional space. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our community and the innovative partnership between Comox Valley Hospice Society, St. Joseph’s General Hospital, the SJGH Foundation, The Views and Island Health we are the first community to receive operational funding for a residential hospice from the health authority on Vancouver Island. The opening is scheduled for April 1, 2015.

Please make every effort to attend this very important meeting and feel free to bring your colleagues, friends and family—anyone who is interested in enhancing the quality of hospice palliative care in our community.

Voting at the AGM requires that your 2014 annual dues of $20 are current.

If possible, please let us know if you will be attending by calling the office at 250-339-5533 or email to


Comox Valley Record