Dignitaries from Kunike International School at a Delta school.

Dignitaries from Kunike International School at a Delta school.

Delta School District announces partnership with Nigeria

Students from Kunike International School will study in local classrooms.

  • Dec. 1, 2015 1:00 p.m.

The Delta School District recently signed a memorandum of understanding with the Kunike International School, a well-established school in Nigeria.

“We are very excited about this partnership. Kunike International School came highly recommended by the Canadian Trade Commissioner in Nigeria, who visited their campus and said they have excellent academic standards,” said Deirdre Annett, director, International Programs, Delta School District.

“Kunike students have travelled extensively and will bring an added diversity to Delta school communities.”

As part of the agreement, Kunike students in lower grades will come to study in Delta for short-term sessions, and older students will come on a full-time basis to graduate from Delta schools. Delta will also provide summer camps for the Nigerian students.

To celebrate the agreement, a delegation from Kunike recently visited Delta. As part of their visit, they toured schools and homestay families, and met with staff and students. They were given a true taste of what the Delta School District offers and were able to see firsthand how their students will fit into the fabric of Delta.

Representatives from Kunike International School included their board chair and secretary, director, proprietress, and vice-principal of academics. The delegation met with the Delta Board of Education and senior management staff in the school district, including Supt. Dianne Turner. The memorandum of understanding was formally signed at a special meeting at the school board office.

Students from Kunike will begin coming to Delta schools in July 2016. Nigeria will be the 28th country that the Delta School District welcomes students from as part of the international student program.

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