DivorceCare program resumes

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) is a 13-week program that provides a fun, safe place for children of divorced or divorcing parents.

Are your children angry, hurt and confused about your divorce?

It may be obvious to you that they are. However, many children feel scared, sad and confused, but hide their feelings because they are worried about their parents’ happiness or because they do not know how to express their feelings appropriately.

DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) is a 13-week program that provides a fun, safe place for children to learn about their emotions and how to express their thoughts and feelings in appropriate ways.

Through DVDs, activities and discussions, the children are assured that they are unique and special, that the divorce is not their fault, and that their futures hold much promise.

Children experiencing divorce often feel alone and helpless.

At DC4K your children will meet other children experiencing similar challenges.

They will also hear encouraging and personal stories from adults who grew up in families affected by divorce.

They will learn to better cope with their situation.

Some children struggle deeply with the separation and divorce, while others seem to bounce back quickly. In the long run, all children are affected. DivorceCare for Kids will help minimize and eliminate the short- and long-term negative effects of divorce on your children’s schoolwork, emotional health and spiritual life.

As your children begin to heal from the pain and confusion, their relationships with you, God and others will grow healthy and strong.

DivorceCare for Kids is open to children from six to 12 years of age.

DivorceCare for adults will run simultaneously with DC4K.

Both courses will be held at Summerland Baptist Church on Sundays 5 to 7 p.m. beginning Feb. 5. There is no fee for these courses.

Please call 250-494-3313 to let the organizers know you or your children are planning to attend or for more information.


Summerland Review