The Summerland Fire Department and CIBC staff, along with many helpers, are once again sponsoring their annual drive for toys and toonies.
Organizers want new, unwrapped gifts and toonies to purchase new gifts for needy children and teens in Summerland.
Staff at the CIBC will do the shopping and sorting of the gifts.
The gifts will then be distributed by the Summerland Food Bank.
Donations will be accepted at the fire hall and the Summerland CIBC branch until Dec. 13.
George Pugh of the Summerland Fire Department said the community has been generous in supporting the toy drive.
Last year, the drive brought in more than $5,000.
A pancake breakfast, held the Saturday after the Festival of Lights, raised more than $2,000.
“People are great with their generosity,” he said.
Several Summerland service organizations have also donated money for the drive.
While the gift donations are welcomes, Pugh said the money donations are important since it is often difficult to find appropriate gifts for teens.