Don’t Look Back sequel packs a punch

Author Faye Cyr takes her characters on a voyage of discovery and adventure

Faye Cyr's second book is now available.

Faye Cyr's second book is now available.

The first chapter picks up exactly where the first book, Don’t Look Back, the Kluskus Trail leaves off with 14-year-old Tyler Chantyman in the Quesnel hospital recovering from a gun-shot wound.

Former Quesnel resident, Faye Cyr, has released the sequel Don’t Look Back, The Bridge which penetrates the world of First Nations people in the North Cariboo through the eyes of the young teen Tyler.

Building on the excellent character development in the first book, Cyr weaves a compelling tale of survival in a predominantly Caucasian world, addressing such issues as teen angst, high school tensions, prejudice, gang violence, peer pressure and the role of religious faith in Tyler’s life.

As with the first book, Cyr moves the story along through events and tribulations that draw the reader into the challenges the teen faces, how he copes and Tyler’s interwoven world of family, friends, adversaries and mentors.

The book goes beyond the teen years, providing a tantalizing look at Tyler’s future which appears bright. However, his adventures take one more twist as he and others from his high school past, become embroiled in a rescue operation in war-torn Afghanistan.

This book has it all, social issues, love interests, family conflict and a plethora of fantastic exploits all with the very familiar North Cariboo backdrop.

Cyr is a magnificent storyteller and Don’t Look Back, The Bridge delivers all the elements of a terrific tale and is well worth the read.

Don’t Look Back, the Bridge is available in hard copy at the author’s website, Caryall Books in Quesnel and coming soon to Amazon and Kobo Books as an ebook.

Don’t Look Back, The Kluskus Trail is already available as an ebook at these sites.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer