Echoes from the past: Mosquitos chased people out of Port Douglas

Mount Woodside got a microwave relay tower in 1962. It was part of a CNR communication system, replacing their present telegraph facilities

50 Years Ago, 1962

• Mount Woodside got a microwave relay tower in 1962. It was part of a CNR communication system, replacing their present telegraph facilities with 600 voice channels.

• In the second and final soccer match between the Copper Room team and the Kitchen, revenge was sweet. Both Kitchen goals came in the first five minutes of play. Copper Room answered with one goal in an evenly matched fast-moving game. A. Cehea played for Gino Lanfranchi for the Cooper Room squad and R. Vaccani substituted for O. Annen on the Kitchen team.

• The news from Port Douglas was that the mosquitoes were so bad there everyone who could was leaving, now the logging camp was closed down.

• One of the Forestry speed boats had to limp down from Port Douglas with a badly bent shaft and a damaged propeller after driftwood damaged them. Logs and debris were a big problem in times of high water in early years, before steps were taken to catch it at the mouth of the Lilloett River and preventing it from reaching the lake.


– submitted by the Agassiz Harrison Historical Society



Agassiz Observer