Edible gold

Early chanterelles and ripe corn made a great combination at the Errington Farmers Market

Hugh O’Callaghan (left) sells his early chanterelle mushrooms at the Errington Farmers Market on Saturday.

Hugh O’Callaghan (left) sells his early chanterelle mushrooms at the Errington Farmers Market on Saturday.

There were some golden surprises for visitors to the Errington Farmers Market Saturday, September 3.

The sun was shining and it felt like summer but a sure sign that fall is upon us was the sale of some of the first fresh Chantrelle mushrooms this year.

Hugh O’Callaghan spent the last week of August rummaging around on the forest floor on the West Coast of Vancouver Island and was lucky to find some early erupting Chantrelle mushrooms.

The Errington resident who sells produce at the market said the forest wasn’t brimming with them but he managed to find a few of the tasty morsels. He agreed the forest floor needs some rain before we see any of the delectable treasures poke up out of the moss in these parts.

He quickly sold out of his freshly picked fungi which he sold for $5 a pint…a bargain at this time of year considering they are reportedly selling for up to $35 a pound in some specialty shops in Vancouver.

Southern Vancouver Island is one of the best places to observe and forage for wild mushrooms but hunters beware; determining the difference between delicious and deadly can be tricky so be sure to go with an expert or simply enjoy them the easy way and buy them from your local farmers market.

Another late summer treat for market goers was freshly cooked sweet corn.

Silver Meadows Corn Farm in Errington donated 200 cobs to be cooked and sold as a fundraiser for the local food bank.

Errington Farmers Market President Gina Thomas was pleased to announce they raised $225.00 from the sale.

Her husband Darcy Thomas along with Carol Gane, Liberty Bradbury, Sunshine and a few other friends peeled and cooked 200 ears of sweet corn for the Saturday market which runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Thomas said she was pleased with the support they received from the public and Silver Meadows Corn Farm.

“They (the farm) told me if we ran out of corn just send someone down and we’ll give you some more.”


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