Edward-Haines: Finding balance in what we eat

T stands for temperance as we must take all good things in moderation.

Most of us have heard that old adage “everything in moderation” at some point in our lives.

But these days, when it comes to our food, I’m inclined to not agree with it, for not everything we eat is good for us.

In fact, many of the foods we love are totally debilitating to our health.

So that adage might be better phrased as “all good things in moderation.”

But why am I talking about moderation? Well, it’s the “T” in the NEW START acronym I’ve been unpacking in my last few columns.

Actually, the “T” stands for “temperance,” but moderation or balance are more modern terms for that old-fashioned concept. Maintaining balance in all aspects of life is so important. As well, stepping away from things that are not good for us is a key part of the equation.

When we talk about nutrition and temperance, we want to eat just enough of the good foods that will enhance our health.

I’m talking veggies, fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts… the good stuff!

When we over-eat, we sabotage our health in numerous ways and increase our risk for various diseases.

We also jeopardize our health when we don’t eat enough. So, balance is essential when it comes to eating well within a healthy lifestyle.

The same goes for exercise. We can cause injury to our bodies when we go overboard in our exercise habits.

However, if we take the couch potato route, did you know it’s just as bad as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day?

Too much sunshine can bring on disease, but so can too little. Too much sleep can make us groggy, too little zzz’s can impair our immune system.

So, as you contemplate what kind of health you want to create for yourself this year, be sure to weave balance among all the components of your life—physical, mental, social and spiritual—and you’ll be well on your way to becoming your best you yet.

Thus far, we’ve unpacked the first five letters of the NEW START acronym, helping us to  be more conscious of what we eat; work our bodies daily, preferably out in the sunshine; guzzle more H2O; and be mindful of creating balance in everything we do.


I have a delicious invitation for you to join me at Choices Markets Kelowna, 1937 Harvey Ave., on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 6:30 to 8 p.m. for a delectable Forget Cooking: Intro to Raw Cuisine class.

You’ll learn about the health benefits and culinary joys of delicious living foods.

I’ll be making mouth-wateringcream of zucchini soup, cashew garden pâté, zucchini noodles marinara, and velvet carob mousse.

Cost is $20, and space is limited. To register, call 250-862-4864 or register online at choicesmarket.com.

Kelowna Capital News