Edwards-Haines: Turn your unhealthy lifestyle around

All the things that make up a well-balanced way of living are in CHIP—Complete Health Improvement Program.

Over the past years, we’ve all witnessed society’s burgeoning interest in health matters.

People want to learn how to take care of themselves in order to live longer, healthier lives.

It can be difficult, though, with the barrage of information and misinformation that bombards us on a daily basis.

The average person who tries to decipher fact from fiction is often frustrated in the attempt.

Thrilling medical break-throughs are occurring every day. It seems, our health-care systems are the most advanced in the world, and yet, despite the enormous amount of dollars we spend on health care, we here in North America are among the most unhealthy people on the planet.

Who among us does not know of someone, be it ourselves, a family member, good friend, or co-worker who is not afflicted with some debilitating illness?

Indeed, the statistics show that health conditions such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, high cholesterol, and more are preying on us at an astonishing rate.

Even when we think we’re doing all the right things to preserve our health, we can be surprised with a dire prognosis.

Pharmaceuticals only go so far; they manage, but do not cure our conditions. And, they come with a myriad of undesirable side effects.

Is there hope for our increasingly sick society?

Yes. In the midst of our health-care woes, people around the globe are reversing their chronic diseases naturally and simply.

And, they’re doing it not with special diets and pills, but by changing their lifestyle for good.

Hippocrates was on to something when he famously quipped, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”

Solid advice that still rings true.

When it comes to food, health organizations around the world are touting the fantastic health benefits of a plant-based way of eating.

We’ve got all the medical research that points us in a plant-strong direction.

More doctors are beginning to prescribe delicious plant-based food for their patients.

We’re learning more about the importance of keeping our bodies moving, managing stress, enjoying sunshine and nature, drinking more water, getting enough sleep, and nurturing positive relationships.

All the things that make up a well-balanced way of living. And, incidentally, all the things that CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) endorses and teaches.

There’s nothing more powerful for our well-being than to educate ourselves on how to live healthfully.

Story after story of restored health proves this to be true. In particular, stories of decrease—decreased blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, weight and medications.

Stories like the man who, at the end of a CHIP program, was so emotional because he could see his toes again and lace up his own shoes.

Or the woman who went from over 20 medications daily to less than five.

Or the man whose angina pains stopped within days of starting a CHIP program.

Or one of the best-known stories: The man who rode over 3,000 miles from Creston to Ottawa in 60 days, at age 69, someone who previously had to drive the 200 yards to get his mail from the mailbox at the end of his driveway.

And all this was after taking a CHIP program and losing weight, a cigarette habit and a bunch of meds.

So, what’s your story? What ailments do you put up with that you could quite possibly be free of?

Learning how to adjust your lifestyle to empower and enable your body to start the healing process is the best gift you can give yourself and your family.

Be your own best medicine and join in the excitement of attending Kelowna’s CHIP program this November.

Attend one of the free information sessions on Oct. 25 or 27, 7 p.m.,  at the Kelowna Lifestyle Centre, 1130 Springfield Rd.

Your body will thank you.


Kelowna Capital News