ElderCollege spring semester underway

  • Apr. 16, 2013 8:00 a.m.

By Marlene Robertson


We’re already edging up to halfway through the year and I’m revving up for a road trip.

No matter how much I love this beautiful Island, the old wanderlust gene raises its restless head and I’m struck with the itchy feet syndrome. And no amount of scratching will make it go away.

Vancouver Island is an almost perfect place to live and is so diverse: you can drive for an hour or so in any direction and be in a ‘different world.’

But I still need to get away now and again for a change of scene and routine. It gives me a fresh look at life, shakes the ‘brain cobwebs’ loose and ultimately makes me truly appreciate what I have at home.

If you have the ‘itch’ but can’t get away right now, I have a great suggestion for a local May adventure.

After much planning and a great deal of anticipation, the first ever Vancouver Island University’s ElderCollege May semester is underway.

Some of the short programs started at the end of April, but if you hurry, there’s still time to sign up for: Alternative holiday accommodation, May 7 and May 14; Painted to abstraction, May 2-16; We Are All Treaty People, May 16-30; Experiencing the Western Canadian Wilderness, May 3-17; Introduction to Geocaching, May 2-9, all being held in Parksville.

Elder Bridge, May 3-17 as well as Birding – Backyard and Beyond, May 1-15 are at Origin at Longwood in Nanaimo. For more information and to register call toll free 1-866-734-6252 or register online at www.viu.ca/css.

Treat yourself to a spring fling and take advantage of a great learning opportunity.

And if you live in Nanaimo or the surrounding area, why not take that last big step and become a volunteer instructor?

It’s a perfect way to share your passion and keep that grey matter tuned up and running on all cylinders, to say nothing of the great people you’ll meet.

And speaking of volunteers, in June VIU ElderCollege will hold its annual Volunteer Appreciation Tea, a way of saying thank you for all of the time and effort our volunteers so generously donate.

It takes place at the beautiful Milner Gardens on June 12. It’s a fun time and a wonderful way to meet fellow volunteers, course instructors and ElderCollege board members.

As a volunteer, I love this annual event and look forward to it every year. If you’re a volunteer, watch the mail for your invitation.

Here’s to lifelong learning and hitting the road.

Nanaimo News Bulletin