Endangered species mask making

  • Feb. 17, 2011 8:00 a.m.
Mask making at The Playhouse.

Mask making at The Playhouse.

On Monday, February 7th The Playhouse was once again bustling with excitement for the fast approaching MasqueParade. With plenty of mask, lantern, and costume manufacturing already taking place at The Playhouse, this time the night had an animalistic feel.

It was a night put together in part by Wildsight and the Council of Canadians in order to raise awareness about endangered species in British Columbia as well as having some fun at the same time.

“We are working on an Endangered Species Campaign spearheaded by Sadie Parr with the Council of Canadians. Several people got together Monday to make some fantastic endangered species lanterns, which will be featured in the MasqueParade on Saturday, February 19th. It’s not too late for you to join in the fun. The workshop is open Wednesday from 3-8pm and Saturday 12-4pm. You can also sign a “Species at Risk” petition at the Snow Kings workshop (The Playhouse), Jita’s Cafe, Bizarre Entertainment, the Hemp Shop and Moon River Gallery,” said Joan Dolinsky about the evening.

The artwork put together was brilliantly unique, featuring many interesting endangered species.

“People were creating some pretty amazing endangered species creations. I saw a spotted leopard frog, spotted owls, a white sturgeon, a painted turtle, and a blue tailed skink. I’m trying to make a grizzly bear mask myself,” environmental activist, Sadie Parr said.

The idea of bringing any type of awareness possible to the problem of endangered species in British Columbia and the entire world can be accomplished in many different manners, even through art.

“Events such as these are great ways to generate public awareness. I think it is important to identify what type of animals we have in BC and the world. You have to first identify and care about something before we can begin to make change,” Parr concluded.

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