Enderby Toastmasters has ‘quadruplets’

The Enderby Toastmasters Club recently inducted four new members, and now Enderby residents Karen Durant, John Fournier, and John and Mary Eichinger are all benefitting from the Toastmasters educational program.

  • Jan. 29, 2011 7:00 a.m.

The Enderby Toastmasters Club recently inducted four new members, and now Enderby residents Karen Durant, John Fournier, and John and Mary Eichinger are all benefitting from the Toastmasters educational program.

John and Mary Eichinger and Durant heard about Toastmasters from the newspaper, while Fournier learned about it from his wife and eldest daughter, who are also members of the Enderby Club.

“I had been thinking about joining Toastmasters before I moved to Enderby,” said Durant, who recently moved to the North Okanagan from Abbotsford, “and decided to join to challenge myself and meet new people.”

She also said she enjoys the challenge of Toastmasters, along with interesting themes and speakers, and the club’s friendly people and great humour.

Fournier joined Toastmasters because he saw how his wife and daughter had improved their speaking skills and confidence levels.

“Now I’m learning a broad range of skills that I can apply to every aspect of my life,” he said. “And I like the relaxed, friendly, small-group style that’s just like Enderby itself.”

Longtime Enderby residents John and Mary Eichinger mentioned that they like the relaxed atmosphere and appreciate the fact that there is no pressure.

If you would like to learn more about Toastmasters, make new friends, or improve your communication and leadership skills, drop by The Enderby Toastmasters Club, which meets every Tuesday in the Enderby and District Museum from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

For more information, call Joan Reid at 250-838-2153 or Naomi or Heather Fournier at 250-838-0235. You can also e-mail enderbytoastmasters@hotmail.com or see http://enderbytoastmasters.webs.com.

Vernon Morning Star