Equinox yoga tonight

Some people will celebrate the fall equinox with a yoga workout

Sharron Hudson shows her yoga technique.

Sharron Hudson shows her yoga technique.

Today (Sept. 23) is the fall equinox, a seasonal signpost in Earth’s orbit around the sun. Days are now getting shorter and day and night are approximately equal in length.

The fall equinox is considered by many as one of the most powerful days of the year and one local yoga therapist is inviting members of the community to come and experience a healing and energy session in celebration of the day.

Sharron Hudson describes the fall equinox as a time of balance and renewal, when our mind, body and spirit open themselves up to receive peace, love and spiritual healing.

The yoga practitioner is conducting a free Naam yoga class tonight at 7 p.m. in her studio at the Natural Synergy Day Spa in Parksville and is welcoming anyone to join the gathering.

Hudson said many cultures believe that September 23 is an important healing day and she would like people to come and participate in what she calls and extremely powerful spiritual experience.

“A big part of Naam is the music and sacred sounds and vibrations we engage in the yoga practice. Just listening to it changes processes in the body.”

Hudson said by using healing breath patterns and holding your hands and fingers in certain positions, meridians are opened and then combined with the divine world, healing happens.

Hudson said the Karma classes which were launched in the summer at the Natural Synergy Day Spa were extraordinary.

The concept behind the free classes is based on the universal law that you have to give to receive and donations were accepted for the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre as well as the local food bank.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News