Once again this year, Summerland will be celebrating Earth Day, with a whole week of free events.
Earth Week 2014 is April 22 to 27.
“Summerland will be buzzing with earth day events this year. The coolest thing is the fact that opening day is actually Earth Day. We will be opening with a bang,” said biologist Lisa Scott.
Week-long events include the Geocaching Earth Day Challenge and a book display featuring a variety of green themes at the Summerland Library.
The morning of April 22, Scott will be at the Trout Creek School, where all of the students will be participating in special activities revolving around National Earth Day.
During the noon hour she will be visiting the Summerland Middle School.
Other events happening that day include a Walking Tour with David Gregory of historic Lower Town, a presentation on Low Water Lawn Care at the Superintendent’s House, Summerland Ornamental Gardens and a Family Movie Night being held at Centre Stage Theatre.
Featured will be the child-friendly movie,”Epic” and a full length film by Rob Stewart, entitled “Revolution” in which humans are inspired to change the world and save our planet.
Thursday, April 24, the Philosopher’s Cafe will be held at the IOOF Hall, and will feature an illustrated talk by local ecologist and writer Don Gayton, followed by a discussion on the ecological restoration movement.
A recycling bin for electronics will be set up outside Municipal Hall on Friday, April 25.
Come the weekend things really ramp up with a Square Foot Gardening Workshop being held at Grasslands Nursery on Saturday morning and The Secret Lives of Composting presentation in the afternoon at the Summerland Ornamental Gardens.
The Summerland Library is holding Square Inch Gardening and Stories to Grow On, where kids will plant a square inch salad garden that they can take home with them and the Art Gallery is hosting an Imagination Station.
To wrap up the weeks activities, people have a chance to get their hands dirty by helping to remove invasive species and plant Native trees and shrubs along the creek and pathway at Dale Meadows Sports Complex.
Kids will be entertained with face painting, crafts and a scavenger hunt.
There will be Eco-friendly draw prizes for all participants.
Some of the events listed include the need to register. In order not to be disappointed and to check times, dates and locations of all events, visit www.summerland.ca and click on the Earth Week tab.