Experts to discuss bees at the Pollinator Picnic

Second annual event has a focus on fun and information

They say that mankind will last little more than four years after the death of the last honeybee, so with a worldwide crash in bee populations going on right now, it’s important to know at least a little about them.

This Sunday, Oceanside residents will get a prime opportunity to bone up on bee lore when Nanoose Edibles Farm presents their second annual Pollinators Picnic.

The event, which runs from 2 to 6 p.m. at 1960 Stewart Road in Nanoose Bay, will feature experts on pollinators and pollinator plants, along with a live beehive demonstration, guided farm tours, a Mason bee demonstration and talk, a scavenger hunt and pot-luck supper.

Organizer Carolyn Jordan is encouraging people to bring food or drinks of local origin, along with a chair, plate, cup and cutlery.

“It’s a repeat of the event we had last year,” she said.

“The main motivation is because we want to educate our community on the importance of pollinators for our food. There is a crash worldwide in the population of our pollinating insects, especially our bees.”

Last year’s event, she continued, drew about 40 participants to the farm, a number she’s hoping to increase this time around. In particular, she’s hoping to attract members of the younger set.

“The reason we are having it now is the schools are back and we were hoping to get more participation from families,” she said.

“Last year we were disappointed  with the response from families and we are hoping that changes a little.”

To this end, although she stressed it’s an opportunity to learn about pollinators, the picnic has a strong focus on fun.

Nanoose Edibles Farm, she added, is a prime location to hold such an event, because owners Lorne and Barbara Ebell really do practice what they preach.

“Our farm here is a great educator. It’s a conservation farm and it has been appointed that title by The Land Conservancy because we have marginal land set aside for native plants and we vary our crops and rotate our crops,” Jordan said. “We have wildflowers on our perimeter and grow lots and lots of herbs and flowers that attract pollinators.”

Entry to the picnic is by donation, or participants can become a Harvest Bounty Society member and be entered into a free draw at the same time.

For more information call 250-468-2332.



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