Elaine Lawton recently celebrated her 30th anniversary at the local post office.

Elaine Lawton recently celebrated her 30th anniversary at the local post office.

Faces of Hope: Elaine Lawton

Lawton has welcomed many people to Hope over the past 30 years working at the local post office

  • Aug. 10, 2012 2:00 p.m.

Elaine Lawton from the Canada Post office in Hope celebrated her 30th anniversary of employment on July 25.

In commemoration of her 30th anniversary, the staff and management got together to celebrate this event by giving Lawton a 30-year golden pin, cake and flowers, cards and best wishes.

Many people in the community of Hope have a personal connection to the staff at this organization and Lawton in particular has welcomed many people to Hope over the past 30 years.

Her ability to build and maintain trusted relationships with employees and customers has been fundamental to this community.

– contributed by Johanne Losier

Hope Standard