Faces of Hope: Victor Smith

Victor Smith has been dedicated to promoting Hope for the last 40 years

  • Sep. 5, 2012 5:00 a.m.
Victor Smith

Victor Smith

Victor Smith is known for the chainsaw carving and antique car show events we enjoy today. He was also president of the Hope & District Chamber of Commerce for eight years, owner of Riggers Industrial Sales for 26 years, and spent eight years as a minor hockey coach.

Smith says his business philosophy is simple: “Have a meeting, make a plan and make it a reality.” He believes that it’s important to think as “one” in a community.

As you drive into town, he points out that the Experience Hope welcoming mat is truly an expression of our community.

We wish to salute Smith for his dedication in promoting Hope for the last 40 years.

– contributed by Johanne Losier

Hope Standard