Family en route to a healthier lifestyle

The deWaals are making positive changes to improve their way of life.

The deWaals are having more healthy meals and getting out for more exercise as the family takes part in the Abbotsford News Family Lifestyle Makeover Challenge.

The deWaals are having more healthy meals and getting out for more exercise as the family takes part in the Abbotsford News Family Lifestyle Makeover Challenge.

The deWaals are making positive changes to improve their way of life.

The local family is eating better, more active and spending more quality time together as part of the Abbotsford News Family Lifestyle Makeover Challenge.

“Everybody is definitely still on board and working hard at it,” said Tony deWaal, who is participating with his wife Judy and daughters Amanda and Esther. “It’s so easy to step back to the bad habits that have formed over 47 years. It feels like sometimes life just gets in the way.”

As part of the three-month program, the deWaals have been working with Tamara Throssell of Changing Point Family Coaching & Mediation. She’s created an action plan to help the family meet their goals.

“It’s like any life change, it helps to have a roadmap to keep you on track,” said Throssell. “It’s really simple steps to help them be able to communicate more effectively, and stay connected and on track.”

Sessions have focused on the importance of family meetings, goal setting and menu planning. The deWaals were given new recipes and healthy snack ideas that everyone can prepare. They also learned how to use a family calendar to delegate roles and set aside time for food preparation.

“Part of smart goals is to set a specific time to have things done by, otherwise you tend to procrastinate,” said Throssell. “You also have to reward yourself as you start to strive towards a healthier lifestyle. Whenever you have big changes, if you can stop and recognize where you started and how far you’ve come, then that motivates you to keep going.”

The deWaals have started a family bucket list with activities and vacation ideas they’d like to share together, including going bowling and taking a trip to Disneyland.

In addition to diet and nutrition, they are also working with personal trainers at Innovative Fitness every week to improve their strength and cardiovascular endurance. Over the past nine weeks, deWaal has lost about six kilograms (13.5 pounds).

“This is a lifestyle change, not just a bump in the road,” he said. “I think the three months are really working at trying to establish new routines in our family that will help us live a healthy lifestyle.”

Abbotsford News