Fight diet misinformation

We are constantly bombarded with messages that promise a lot and appear to be scientifically sound

We are constantly bombarded with messages that promise a lot and appear to be scientifically sound. Is there anything that we should consider before jumping right in?

Is the ad offering a quick fix?

Remember that if something seems too good to be true that it likely is. Small and manageable changes will have more of an impact in the long term as they are more sustainable.

Are they trying to sell you something?

Be wary of anything they are selling beyond helping you make every day healthy choices.

Not all science is created equal.

The best evidence that something is true comes when there are numerous well-designed studies that come to the same conclusion.

What are the person’s qualifications?

Always check with your doctor or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes.

Health Link BC (accessed online or by phone at 8-1-1) is a great resource for general nutrition information.


Barriere Star Journal